Farmcote Flowers is run by Alex Graham from her home just outside Bridgnorth in Shropshire. From her walled Cutting Garden and polytunnel she grows beautiful, seasonal flowers using sustainable methods and no chemicals. Alex runs workshops from her Floral Design Studio which is through a door in the wall of her Cutting Garden and also does Wedding and Event flowers as well flowers for private homes. She sells Bloom Buckets and Bouquets (free local delivery) and supplies buckets of flowers for DIY weddings and just about any other event you can imagine. Oh and she supplies local florists too.
Locally Grown…
The business is built on the core value of producing locally grown flowers at affordable prices that have been sustainably grown on site. At the moment 80% of the cut flowers bought in the UK are imported and we are proud to be joining the growing British cut flower movement in order to change this. At Farmcote Flowers we are dedicated to helping the diversity of the countryside and promoting locally grown flowers.
Visit us
By Appointment Only
Farmcote Hall
01746 710700
07766 235 960